Endowment funds create a lasting gift.
What is an endowment fund? When your clients create charitable endowments through The Community Foundation of Harrisonburg & Rockingham County, they have the opportunity to benefit their favorite charities. Their gifts are invested and earnings from these funds are used to make grants addressing community needs or their designated charitable interests. Your clients’ gifts and all future earnings are a permanent source of community capital, helping do good work today, tomorrow and for years to come. Over several decades, an endowed fund’s principal can more than double… while supplying grants every year.
If your clients wish to leave a gift that costs nothing during their lifetime, they can include The Community Foundation of Harrisonburg & Rockingham County in their will or estate plan, ensuring that their charitable vision endures forever. The establishment of an endowment fund makes certain a donor’s name and family legacy of giving also continues. Funds established by individuals in our Legacy Society are highlighted in perpetuity. See Giving Options for more information.
Endowment funds provide legacy and stability.
Donors who endow their gifts can make a difference in their community during their lifetime, and for the future of the community. Grants will continue to be made in the name of the fund they establish so that their charitable wishes are preserved.
Leaders of a nonprofit may also look to The Community Foundation of Harrisonburg & Rockingham County to hold their organization’s endowment funds because they know that having a constant source of funding helps them respond to emergency needs, as well as plan for the future, and sustain the good work they do for the community. Adding those assets to The Community Foundation of Harrisonburg & Rockingham County assets allows for greater diversification and lower custodial fees for nonprofit organizations.
Trust the security of endowment funds with TCFHR.
Donors trust The Community Foundation of Harrisonburg & Rockingham County to follow their wishes now and after death. We conduct an annual audit and we are fortunate to have an expert Board of Directors and Audit Committee. We are also recognized by the Community Foundations National Standards Board for accreditation and full compliance with National Standards for U.S. Community Foundations, meeting rigorous standards for transparent, efficient and ethical organizational and financial practices. You clients can rest knowing their endowment fund is being properly administered.
The Community Foundation of Harrisonburg & Rockingham County provides expert help.
When donors or nonprofit organizations work through The Community Foundation of Harrisonburg & Rockingham County to achieve their charitable goals, they benefit from the experience of our staff, the wisdom of community leadership and sound investment management. Your clients’ endowed funds are in good hands.