The Community Foundation of Harrisonburg & Rockingham County is a resource for local nonprofit organizations!

We understand the challenges facing small nonprofit organizations and realize how important the services provided by local nonprofits are to maintaining a healthy and happy community. In-house expertise to manage investments, handle stock gifts or perform back-office functions for a large fundraising campaign is just not feasible for most small nonprofit organizations. In addition to facilitating grants to 501(c)(3) organizations, The Community Foundation of Harrisonburg & Rockingham County is here to help with investment and management of nonprofit financial resources.

It is our fiduciary duty to ensure prudent investment of your assets. We have a dedicated group of professionals who serve on our Investment Committee. Your agency can follow The Community Foundation of Harrisonburg & Rockingham County’s investment and spending policies, which allows your board to concentrate on the services that you provide.

Benefit from superior advisory services and lower investment fees by investing your endowment through us.

We can handle the investment of your endowment funds. Our investment pool more than $21 million is directly managed and constantly monitored by professional, highly qualified investment managers. In addition, pooling funds offers economies of scale with lower investment and transaction fees while maintaining a fully diversified portfolio.

The Community Foundation of Harrisonburg & Rockingham County will determine gains, losses and allowed distribution amounts for you, helping to ensure the viability of your endowment for future generations. Our accounting system was specifically designed with charitable foundations in mind and is able to quickly and efficiently allocate investment activity, produce reports as needed and maintain asset allocations. An online donor portal gives you 24-hour access to view activity in your invested funds and make distribution requests.

Read about our investments to learn more about our strategies and policies, our investment managers, as well as options for investing your funds.

We can manage the back-office services for your fundraising campaign.

Fundraising and planning for capital improvements creates a mountain of work. Often overlooked in the excitement of planning such a campaign is the additional toil and drudgery that goes into accounting for, depositing, receipting and tracking the funds once they start pouring in. Our fee structure for these services is minimal and can be reviewed on our Administrative Fees for Fundraising Funds Policy. We cannot do the fundraising for you, but we can handle the back-office work so that you can concentrate on the very important job of raising more money. We will do all we can to help you reach your fundraising goals:

  • Receipt your funds
  • Track pledges
  • Provide activity reports as needed

We can help you with complex charitable contributions.

The Community Foundation of Harrisonburg & Rockingham County routinely handles and receipts gifts of stocks, mutual funds and IRA distributions. We stay current on regulations and requirements related to valuing and receipting these types of gifts. In addition, we can serve as the conduit for anonymous donors. By giving through TCFHR, we can ensure the anonymity of the donor.

We assess a minimal fee for our nonprofit services.

At The Community Foundation of Harrisonburg & Rockingham County we wish we could provide these services for free. However, like you, we have to pay rent, staff and other operations costs to provide our services. We do keep our fees on agency funds as low as we possibly can. See our Administration Support Fee Policy for more information. Please note that our fees count as part of the tax deductible gift amount from the donor.

We provide leadership training opportunities for nonprofit organizations.

The Excellence in Nonprofit Leadership program provides leaders of nonprofit organizations, faith-based organizations, and community-based initiatives with ongoing educational opportunities that will enhance their capabilities as stewards of their mission.

Do you have questions for us?

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