Planning gifts to charity is easy for your clients through The Community Foundation of Harrisonburg & Rockingham County.

Pension Plan Assets

We accept many retirement plans and can help your clients limit tax liability on unspent retirement assets and benefit a charity in the process.


Including a charitable bequest in your clients’ wills or trusts is a simple way for them to make a lasting gift to their community. When they make a gift to charity through The Community Foundation of Harrisonburg & Rockingham County, we establish a special fund that benefits the community forever and becomes their personal legacy of giving.

Charitable Remainder Trust

Your clients can place assets in a trust that pays annual income to them or another named beneficiary for life. After their lifetime, or a term of years, the remainder of the trust can be transferred to a charitable fund at The Community Foundation of Harrisonburg & Rockingham County.

Charitable Lead Trust

Your clients can place assets in a trust that pays a fixed amount to a charitable fund at The Community Foundation of Harrisonburg & Rockingham County for the number of years they select. Once this predetermined period ends, the assets held by the trust are transferred to the beneficiaries they name.

Life Insurance

Your clients can name The Community Foundation of Harrisonburg & Rockingham County as the owner and beneficiary of an existing or new life insurance policy, resulting in potential tax benefits for them and future gifts to charity for our community.

Planned Giving Legacy Society

The Legacy Society of The Community Foundation of Harrisonburg & Rockingham County honors donors who give to charity and establish endowed funds through their estate plans for the long-term benefit of nonprofit organizations and our community.

Find out how we can help you assist your clients as they plan gifts to charity and benefit our community for many years to come!

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