GreatCommunityGive 2020 postponed until June

The Community Foundation of Harrisonburg & Rockingham County has announced that the Great Community Give, slated for April 22nd has been rescheduled for June 24th, 2020.  The GCG2020 Planning Committee considered as much relevant information as possible to unanimously agree that delaying the event was necessary.

“We have to give consideration to minimizing health risks to the nonprofit staff and volunteers until COVID-19 cases begin to subside. GCG uses countless volunteers on the day of the event.  While the giving occurs online, it is also a social occasion on many levels.   For the purposes of planning, we have chosen June 24th as an optimistic date and hope it turns out to be the case. “– Revlan Hill, Executive Director of The Community Foundation.

“Although a difficult decision, postponing the event is best for everyone. We feel we can have more excitement and enthusiasm by gathering again as groups.  We believe the Great Community Give will be more successful for the nonprofits and less risky for health reasons later in June.  We owe it to the nonprofits to help them raise the most money we can” – Amanda Bomfim, Program Officer, The Community Foundation of Harrisonburg & Rockingham County.

The Great Community Give is in its third year as a community-wide day of online giving to 100 local nonprofits. The Planning Committee hopes that in moving the date, the goal of raising $600,000 for local nonprofits can be achieved. Planning for GCG2020 will continue through the new date of June 24.


In the meantime, The Community Foundation is actively encouraging donors to remember nonprofits in this time of social-distancing requirements and will continue its grant making to nonprofit organizations. Efforts to support nonprofit organizations during the COVID-19 crisis are ongoing. The Community Foundation and United Way of Harrisonburg and Rockingham County have jointly announced the establishment of the COVID-19 HR Community Response Fund. Grants from the fund will help support front line human services organizations that have deep roots in Harrisonburg and Rockingham County and strong experience working with those vulnerable in our community.


“We encourage everyone to write a check or go online and give to your favorite community based nonprofit organization today.   Our community is well known for its generosity of giving and we don’t have to wait for the Great Community Give on June 24th to make that contribution.   “– Revlan Hill, Executive Director of The Community Foundation.


Please contact Amanda  Bomfim at 540-432-3863 or [email protected] for information and interviews.  To learn about Great Community Give, visit