Claude & Frances Warren Scholarship Awarded

Claude E. Warren was devoted to athletics in Harrisonburg. From 1932 through 1971 Claude Warren was the “face” of athletics at HHS. He served as football, basketball, baseball, and track coach from 1932 until the early 1960s, continuing as Physical Education teacher and Athletic Director until his retirement in 1971.


Coach Warren was known for his belief in fundamentals and high standards of personal conduct. He influenced thousands of students including a former athlete, quoted by the Daily News-Record in 1957 following an appreciation dinner to celebrate Warren’s 25 years of coaching, who said, “I know of no other persons, aside from my parents, along my school route who did more to prepare me for this ‘game of life’ than did Coach Warren. You can’t turn your back on his records at HHS, but what really counts now that I look back on my days as a Blue Streak was his coaching philosophy. Call it character-building or call it anything you like, I know what he gave to me along the route.”


In 1961, Harrisonburg High School’s new field house was named in his honor. He appreciated a very supportive wife, Frances, who supported him throughout his career. When the new Harrisonburg High School was built in 2005, the entire sports complex was named, the Claude E. Warren Sports Complex.


The purpose of the Claude & Frances Warren Scholarship Fund is to support scholarships for Harrisonburg High School students. Eligible candidates are students planning to compete in an intercollegiate sport, or in a post-graduate year preparing to compete in an intercollegiate sport. Special consideration was given to students also planning to pursue a degree in an athletic related field of study (athletic training, athletic coaching, health administration, health education, physical education, or kinesiology), or to students planning to coach and teach. In addition, the Selection Committee considered:

  • Financial Need
  • GPA
  • Character, determination and leadership qualities


The recipient of the 2017 Claude & Frances Warren Scholarship is Casey Wilson. Casey will compete as a swimmer when she attends Roanoke College in the fall.