Mid-Year Update on IMPACT Harrisonburg

IMPACT Harrisonburg continues to see growing involvement and interest from the Harrisonburg and Rockingham community.

In December 2015, the group held a well-attended event with TCF donors as speakers. The event was titled “Inside The Philanthropist Mind”. The intent of the evening was to hear from some of our community’s philanthropists to learn why they give and to hear what their 20s, 30s, and 40s, were like.

We thought you might be interested in hearing the “impact” made on 2015 recipient On The Road Collaborative.

The impact of IMPACT Harrisonburg’s first grant award continues to reverberate throughout the hallways of Skyline Middle School during On the Road Collaborative’s inaugural program year. You will find 90 middle school youth actively engaged in their 10-week hands-on Career Enrichment Projects, learning a wide range of careers from their volunteer professionals (known as Community Teachers), in everything from coding to broadcasting to arts. 

After a tremendously successful Learning Showcase season in December, which included a Mock Trial in the downtown Harrisonburg Circuit Courthouse, original photography exhibit at Spitzer Art Center, Iron Chef cooking challenge, and a variety of youth ‘teach-back’ presentations at our main event at Skyline Middle School, we are already underway with the new semester and a new line-up of Career Enrichment Projects, including architecture, fashion, theatre, personal finance, leadership and fitness, just to name a few. 

Not only has IMPACT enabled us to successfully launch our middle school program this year and make a tremendous difference in the lives of local youth, but you have helped lay the foundation for us to expand our services next year to more kids and more days at Skyline Middle!

~Brent Holsinger

IMPACT has great momentum and wants to grow the support of people in their 20s, 30s, and 40s to make an “impact” on Harrisonburg and Rockingham County.

Here’s the web link to signup.



Here’s the address where you can send a check.

The Community Foundation of Harrisonburg/Rockingham County


P.O. Box 1068

Harrisonburg, VA 22803

Spring Community Needs applications due soon

The application deadline for the Spring cycle of the Community Needs process for The Community Foundation of Harrisonburg & Rockingham County is quickly approaching. An nonprofit organization may apply once during a calendar year. Spring applications are due on Tuesday, March 1 at 4:00PM. Generally funding ranges from $250 – $10,000. Funding decisions are made by individual donors, private foundations and committees.


Organizations must be tax-exempt public charities under IRS Section 501c(3) or other nonprofit status. Organizations must be physically located in Harrisonburg or Rockingham County, and the project or program to be funded must serve the local area. Organizations not physically located in the Harrisonburg or Rockingham County area, but serving a substantial part of our community will need permission from TCFHR to apply. Religious organizations are welcome to apply if the project will significantly aid our local community.


A list of all Community Needs project requests will be featured on our website for one year after application submission. Please call Ann Siciliano, 540-432-3863, at The Community Foundation to determine eligibility before applying. Grants are made without regard to factors of gender, race, religion, national origin, or sexual orientation.


Please submit your completed application for the 2016 Spring Community Needs cycle by March 1.


Community Foundation office closing early on Dec. 31

The Community Foundation of Harrisonburg & Rockingham County will be closing its office early on Thursday, December 31, 2015. Our office hours for the remainder of 2015 are as follows:

Tuesday, December 29                 9:00AM – 5:00PM

Wednesday, December 30           9:00AM – 5:00PM

Thursday, December 31               9:00AM – Noon

Friday, January 1                          Closed


We appreciate your investment in our community and are most grateful for your support of our work during the past year. We look forward to working with you in 2016 as we ‘Dream. Share. Build. OUR COMMUNITY.’

Safeguard the Assets of Your Nonprofit Organization

2015Nonprofit Financial Risk Workshop 003

Jim Fries of Brown Edwards & Company

The Community Foundation of Harrisonburg & Rockingham County, United Way of Harrisonburg and Rockingham, RMH Foundation, and the Masters in Public Administration program at JMU invite you to a workshop on safeguarding the assets of your nonprofit organization. This event is structured for nonprofit executives and board members of nonprofit organizations.

Nonprofit Financial Risk Management Workshop       

Thursday, October 22

12 pm to 3 pm

 JMU Ice House Room 117

This event is free of charge. Lunch will be provided compliments of Brown Edwards & Company.

This exact workshop was offered on September 24 to a full house at the James Madison University Ice House. We are offering the program again on October 22. The agenda will include the following topics:

  • How Fraud Impacts Nonprofit Organizations Far Differently than For-Profit Businesses
  • Fraud Triangle and Responding to Fraud
  • Risk Management and Insurance
  • Legal Perspective on Fraud

If you are interested in attending this valuable workshop, please register by Friday, October 16, 2015.

Please contact Melissa at [email protected] or Laura at [email protected] if you have questions or need additional information.