Arthur John Leavenworth – Eureka Lodge #195 Scholarships Awarded

This scholarship is named in honor of Arthur, “Art,” John Leavenworth by Rhonda Leavenworth Johnson. Rhonda’s father was a longtime member of the Eureka Lodge #195 located in Bridgewater. He contributed money personally to this scholarship and was known to crush and recycle aluminum cans to increase the funds available to donate to needy students.


The purpose of this scholarship fund is to provide at least two awards each year; one scholarship is awarded to a graduating senior at Turner Ashby High School and one is awarded to a graduating senior from Fort Defiance High School.  Consideration for this scholarship is given to applicants with financial need, who have demonstrated strong academic performance and community involvement.


2017 recipients of the Arthur John Leavenworth – Eureka Lodge #195 Scholarship are Megan Comfort from Turner Ashby High School and Blair Landram from Fort Defiance High School. Megan plans to attend Virginia Tech University, and Blair will begin at Blue Ridge Community College.